Employee Resources

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Radical-Left Activism is sweeping across corporate America.

If you are an employee of a company that has incorporated radical-left activism into its business strategy, you have three options:

Find a New Job

Remain Silent


If you decide to remain silent while activists take over your company, please close this tab and scroll through TikTok, where you can learn to "twerk in the name of justice for George Floyd" or something...

Keep scrolling to see how we can help PUSH BACK



Stay and Fight

Understand that your employer has likely succumbed to outside pressures to adopt these radical policies. With enough internal pressure, they may reverse course. 

Find a new Job

While we prefer to stay and fight, sometimes moving on and making your departure is the right choice. 


Many companies in corporate America have adopted radical-left activist policies. The claim is that there is strong evidence* that suggest these policies are a great way to increase productivity, save the environment*, advocate for justice*, and promote fairness*, all while fostering a caring and inclusive* environment.

*Keep an eye out for these catchy buzzwords.*

But what do these things have to do with the company you work for? The answer is nothing. These are merely the means to reshape the organization you work for into an activist organization.

The sentiments behind these strategies are often grounded in Marxist principles; principles that are incompatible with the West. 

We're drafting some resources that may help you stay and fight effectively. It's time to push back against this radical left activism that is gripping your leadership by the collar.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Claim:

Creating a culture of respect for diverse backgrounds as well as fostering an environment that is inclusive to all will ensure equality among all employees.

The Reality:

The primary term to focus on is Equity. It's a concept popularized by Karl Marx, author of The Communist Manifesto, that views it as an injustice for one person to have more than another. Equity does not mean equality. Equity relates to equal outcomes, not equal opportunity. When the company sets their sights on equal outcomes, it prioritizes qualities as race, sex, or political affiliation over merit. The concept is fundamentally incompatible with our Western meritocratic system.

Environmental, Social & Governance

The Claim:

[coming soon...]

The Reality:

[coming soon...]

White Privilege or Racial Sensitivity Training

The Claim:

[coming soon...]

The Reality:

[coming soon...]


How to Respond:

    1. Remain calm, collected, and amicable when discussing these topics with anyone in your organization.
    2. Make use of anonymous internal company message boards to state your opposition.
    3. Connect with other employees to gauge their opinion on the matter. 
    4. Write a letter to the company president or CEO.
      1. Use the template below titled "D.E.I. Letter to Executive Leadership"
      2. If other employees are in alignment with you on the matter, request that they too sign the letter. The more people that sign it, the more weight it carries.
    5. Put the company leaders on the spot: Ask questions that require them to justify their positions. Ask for Names:
      1. Who are the individuals that are taking the lead on [company policy]?
      2. Why has [company] adopted [policy]?
      3. In what way does [company policy] benefit [company]?
      4. Our company deals in [industry], why have we adopted a policy that seems to bring politics into the workplace?
    6. Be persistent: a single letter may satisfy your ego for a time, but this requires continuous opposition and follow up.

D.E.I. Letter to Executive Leadership

This letter is written as an anonymous employee. Feel free to add your name to the letter where applicable. It is very important to edit the [bracketed] and bold segments with the applicable information.

[Executive Leader’s First & Last Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

RE: Concern about the Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.) Program

Secretarial Rep: This letter is from a [Company Name] Employee. Please ensure this letter is delivered to [Executive Leader].

Dear [Mr. or Ms. Executive Leader’s Last Name],

I am an employee of [Company Name] and am writing to express my concern about the adoption of a new slogan: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.). While I understand the intention behind this slogan, I strongly believe that it could have dangerous consequences for our organization and the individuals it serves.

Merit-based systems have been widely used and recognized as the best way to identify and reward individuals who have demonstrated exceptional abilities, skills, and achievements. However, equity and merit are inherently incompatible, as equity prioritizes equal outcomes while merit prioritizes individual achievement. By prioritizing equity over merit, we risk discouraging hard work, innovation, and excellence, as individuals will no longer be rewarded for their achievements but rather for their demographic characteristics.

Moreover, a program that prioritizes equity over merit can lead to further discrimination, as individuals who have worked hard and achieved great things may be passed over for opportunities and rewards in favor of those who have not earned them. This is not only unjust, but it could also potentially violate the several rulings under Civil Rights Act, which prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

For example, a hiring manager must choose between two candidates for a position. One candidate is highly qualified, with years of experience and a proven track record of success. The other candidate is less qualified but fits a certain demographic profile. If the hiring manager chooses the meritocratic approach by hiring the more qualified candidate, then he is not fulfilling the commitment to equity. If the manager is instructed to prioritize equity over merit, they may be forced to choose the less qualified candidate, even though they know this will likely harm the organization's performance.

Furthermore, a program that prioritizes equity over merit can also lead to decreased morale and motivation among employees. When individuals feel that their achievements are not being recognized and rewarded, they may become demotivated and disengaged, which can negatively impact their performance and productivity.

It's important to note that prioritizing equity over merit has strong connections to socialist ideology, and it is not appropriate to bring political ideologies into the workplace. This approach can stifle individual initiative and entrepreneurship, and ultimately lead to a decrease in overall prosperity and well-being.

If we continue to apply this strategy of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the company which many of us hold so dear will crumble.



Anonymous Employee of [Company Name]

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