Current Objectives

American Citizens Defense (ACD) aims to promote the vision of founding fathers. To achieve this we must expand our reach, develop educational content, and provide the means for American citizens to affect positive change.
If you are able to support with any of the items below, please reach out to us at
Current Objectives
- Outreach: To increase our reach to individuals who share the values as this organization and who are motivated to take positive action.
- Educational Content: To provide our members with free educational content that helps readers to understand and appreciate the values outlined in the constitution.
- Member Contributions: To provide a voice to the community and an opportunity to reach others.
- Organized Petitions: To assist with arranging organized petitions and promoting engagement.
- Volunteerism and Charity: To promote volunteerism among the community and engage in charitable events.
How Can I Help?
Financial support is always the most effective way of supporting this project. This allows us to seek professional services from organizations who specialize in the areas we need support. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider a contribution.
Professional Support: If you are a member of a professional service such as legal, IT, web development, or business services, you can help by donating your time, expert counsel, or services.
Community Support: You can help by promoting American Citizens Defense, contributing original content to ACD Community or Member Contributions, planning or coordinating events, and increasing positive engagement in the community.
Foundation and Structure:
- Secure Operational Independence
- Obtain Legal Counsel/Representation
- Content creation
- Acquiring educational material
- Revenue Generation & Product Design
- Marketing & Outreach
- Event Planning and Organization
- Networking and Resources
Operational Independence: We currently operate using 3rd party services to facilitate some functions of this website. These 3rd Party services include website & forum hosting services. While these were necessary to get this project off the ground, they present vulnerabilities:
- These third party hosting services may discontinue providing services an any time.
- Member profiles and subscriptions are hosted by independent providers. Our goal is to reduce the amount of member data that is shared where possible.
To resolve these urgent issues, we need the following:
IT Consultation Services
We are seeking professional consultation for independent website hosting, server set up and operation, domain registration, and security.
Server Equipment
We are seeking financial support to acquire server equipment. Equipment donations cannot be accepted.
Web Development Services
Seeking professional web development services to recreate the existing website on an independently hosted server. Development needs includes page design, membership profile management, billing subscription management, membership portals, social media platform and moderation tools, data migration and much more.
Legal Counsel: Seeking professional legal counsel and legal services. Recommendations for constitutionalist oriented legal representatives are needed.
Membership Subscriptions: Join the American Citizens Defense paid membership. Invite friends and family to join. Membership is affordable and helps us to achieve organizational goals outlined on this page.
As revenue increases, we will be able to provide additional benefits and value to our members.
Book Reviews, Content Creation & Educational Material:
We welcome and encourage well-articulated written contributions that promote American values. We need articles and educational material on the topics below.
Educational Material
Electoral College
Written Contributions:
Legislature Reporting
Book Recommendations & Reviews
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: Jordan B. Peterson
This page is under continual development. Please check back for updates.
Last Update: Wednesday, 09/29/2021